On October 25, the shadow of the moon will be cast upon the earth during a rare partial solar eclipse. The heavenly show, which has the power to both startles and intimidate, serves as a divine reminder for Muslims to consider Allah’s power and uphold righteousness.
The prayers will be held immediately following the Asr (evening) prayer, according to a social media post from the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) of Dubai.
The UAE will be able to see the final partial solar eclipse in 2022 for two hours.
During solar or lunar eclipses, mosques in various Islamic countries, including the UAE, do special prayers called “Kusoof.” On Tuesday, October 25, as the partial eclipse reaches its apex, Kusoof will be presented in Dubai following Asr.
The prayer is strongly advised, even though it is not required. It differs from the daily prayers and is typically offered at mosques in the congregation, however, families may also do so at home.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to do the unique prayers known as “Kusoof” during solar or lunar eclipses. Muslims consider eclipses to be heavenly reminders to live moral lives.
Authorities in the UAE had previously stated that every mukallaf must offer the eclipse prayer.
Kusoof consists of two rakats and here is how it is performed:
- Recite the opening takbeer and begin the prayer.
- Recite Surah Fatiha, followed by a lengthy recitation of any chapter in the holy Quran.
- Bow and prolong it as long as you can.
- Rise up and then recite the Fatiha again, followed by another lengthy recitation – but this one should be shorter than the first.
- Bow again for a long period, but not as long as the first one.
- Rise back up, and prostrate twice. Both the prostrations must be lengthy and so must the sitting period between the two.
- Repeat the above steps for the second Rakat.