According to a report “The pensioner must, however, understand the provisions of the law prior to returning back to work, since a pension is not released if the individual’s salary in the new job is equal to, or greater than, the pension salary received previously.”
He was disappointed to learn that he would not be eligible for his pension until he turned 50, at which point he decided to go back to work and combine his prior and present service periods. The GPSSA stated that the lesson of the story was to keep encouraging people to work longer hours in order to receive the highest pension percentage possible when they retire.
According to the report, “in an explanation regarding the scope of the pensioner’s participation under the insurance umbrella in the Authority upon returning back to work again, it was explained that if the return with an employer is subject to the provisions of the pension law and the pensioner’s age is under 60, registration and contribution with the Authority become mandatory.”
“Regarding a pensioner’s eligibility to combine the pension and salary for his or her time working in the private sector, the GPSSA explained that the pensioner can combine periods if the length reached 25 years in the private sector and 20 years in the government sector without being terminated,” it continued. The GPSSA offers pension-related services to nationals working in all emirates of the federal government of the country and private sector businesses.
Employees must be UAE citizens, between the ages of 18 and 60, and physically fit at the time of employment in accordance with a medical report provided by a medical authority and approved by the GPSSA in order for the employer to contribute.