International students from all over the world can now apply for Turkish Government scholarships. Scholarships for international students to study in Turkey are now available, and it is an exciting moment for students.
This is unquestionably a once-in-a-lifetime experience for pupils. You will be able to study at some of Turkey’s greatest universities and obtain valuable knowledge, skills, and research with the support of such scholarships. All of these things will come in handy when your job progresses and you move into a more demanding phase.
Scholarships for international students in Turkey have many advantages.
The Turkey Scholarship program, like most other scholarship programs, offers a wide range of perks to its students. The following are some of the program’s best features:
Free Accommodation:
One of the great things about Turkey Scholarships is how well it takes care of student housing. All students are housed in university dorms, where they can live for free.
If students do not want to reside in these dormitories, they can easily relocate to a location of their choice, however they must pay for their own lodging in this case.\
No tuition fees:
There are no tuition costs, so students are encouraged to study to their maximum potential with no financial burden on their shoulders. Tuition costs are not required of students, and education is fully free, which is something that should not be taken for granted.
Health costs:
Fortunately, if you are a scholarship student in Turkey, this is not the case. Even if you become ill, public health insurance will cover all of your bills and you will not be responsible for a single cent.
Travel Expenses:
The Turkey Scholarships program also covers the students’ travel expenses. During the course of their studies, the students will be given two tickets, one for their entrance and the other for their departure once they have completed their studies.
All students’ health costs are covered by government health insurance. Healthcare is a major issue all across the world, especially for foreigners.
Read more: Scholarships for Pakistani students in Turkey
Turkish Scholarships Require Language Courses
All students who do not demonstrate fluency in Turkish must enroll in a one-year Turkish Language Course to improve their language skills.
This course has no exclusions; even students attending courses in several languages must attend the Turkish Language Course.
The following are the selection criteria for Turkey Scholarships:
Average Grades on University Entrance Exams and Diplomas
International Test Score CGPA for High School Graduation
Turkish Scholarship Eligibility
The following are the eligibility requirements for Turkey Scholarships: This scholarship program accepts applications from students from a variety of nations. Pakistan, Germany, Iceland, Myanmar, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and others are among the countries involved.
Other countries, on the other hand, exclusively accept postgraduate applications. However, this does not rule out the possibility of undergraduates applying, as applications for undergrads will open in April and May.
Guide to the Evaluation and Selection Process
Turkey Scholarships are one of the world’s most coveted programs. The reason for this is that the scholarship program allows students to study at famous Turkish universities while receiving financial assistance.
Application and Assessment:
The procedure begins with the submission of online applications by interested students. This can be done just on the Turkey Government Scholarships official website. The successful candidates will be chosen, and the committee will set up an oral interview call.
The Oral Examination:
Only the most qualified candidates are invited to the oral interview, which is when students must demonstrate their abilities. That’s not all; students must also demonstrate why they are an excellent candidate for Turkey Government Scholarships. It is recommended that all students produce a brief CV to assist them identify themselves to the committee.
Document Verification:
One of the committee members will begin verifying the documents while the students are introducing themselves. You won’t have to worry about anything if you have original copies of all your documents that were submitted online.