What is Mental Health? A Basic Overview
What is Mental Health? If you’ve ever asked this question, the answer may surprise you. Mental health is a mental state of mind that encompasses all the aspects of an individual’s psychological, emotional, physical and social well being. Mental health is the sum total of all your experiences and thoughts, feelings and emotions as a person.
What includes in mental health?
Mental health includes your ability to handle stress, cope with everyday demands, maintain concentration and focus, maintain a positive attitude, happiness, acceptance, productivity, social skills, and adaptability to change. The American Psychological Association defines mental health as “the ability to experience good health; the ability to deal successfully with stress and change.”
In addition to these basic guidelines, psychologists believe that mental health contributes to physical health as well. Poor mental health can lead to physical illness, such as hypertension, heart disease, cancer and depression. Mental illness can also lead to severe disability and death in some cases.
Symptoms of mental issue
People with mental health issues should seek treatment if they do exhibit any of these symptoms. In fact, treating these conditions early can help them better cope with life. A good mental health program will focus on encouraging individuals to get plenty of rest, exercise regularly and eat well-balanced meals. It will also teach people skills for managing stress, improving their sense of self-esteem, increasing their social support system and improving their understanding of how the mind and body work together.
How to learn about mental health practically?
If you are worried about what is mental health and how it affects your mental well-being, then you should work on finding a local therapist to see what options are available to you. A good therapist will be sensitive to your needs and work with you to develop an effective plan of action to address your issues.
Many people who have been diagnosed with some kind of mental illness have been able to successfully tackle their issues by working with a therapist and developing effective coping skills. Therapists are trained in cognitive behavioral therapy and are qualified to treat all types of mental illnesses including but not limited to those that are serious enough to interfere with one’s ability to function normally in social situations.
Other forms of therapy used by therapists include relaxation techniques, exposure therapy, psychoneuroimmunology, social and cultural skills, psychology and counseling.
What is mental illness?
When it comes to learning more about what is mental health, you should take the time to define mental illnesses first. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) classifies mental disorders into three categories: anxiety disorders, psychosis and schizophrenia.
Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychosis includes post-traumatic stress disorder, dementia and schizophrenia.
People with poor mental health.
People with poor mental health often experience symptoms similar to those that accompany physical illness. You may have frequent headaches, stomach problems, sweating, confusion and irritability. These signs may seem like warnings that you are suffering from an illness or disease.
When these symptoms persist for longer than a few weeks or months, then you may be suffering from a mental illness. It is important that you seek treatment right away if you suspect that you may be ill.
What is a good mental health?
A good mental health professional will address both the physical and mental health of their patient. If you experience poor mental health, you may want to see your primary care physician or a psychologist. Your primary care physician can provide you with many essential tests as well as recommend treatment options.
Your psychologist will be able to help you determine if you are experiencing poor mental health and refer you to appropriate professionals that can address your concerns.
Mental health, defined according to the World Health Organization, is, “a state of mental well being in which the person can cope effectively with the demands of life, can function productively, and is capable of making a valuable contribution to society”.
Mental health is not only important for adults; it is also essential for children, teens, and infants. In fact, the ability to enjoy life to the fullest is crucial for their emotional, physical, mental, social, and even financial wellbeing. And given the increasing complexity of modern living, mental health is becoming an increasingly important concern for people of all ages.
It is important to understand that while mental health is an interrelated concept, it actually has distinct components. Mental health pertains to your ability to handle stress, anger, anxiety and other unpleasant emotions and feelings; one’s capacity to work productively, contribute to social well being, and be a contributing member of a community.
Mental health comprises your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and reactions. Your thoughts are everything you think, so you need to have a good grasp of your thoughts to be able to manage stress, handle anger, and contribute to social well being.
Your feelings and behaviors are how you react to situations-how you deal with conflict and frustration, for example.
Mental health also encompasses physical health; your body and mind deserve to be free from disease and disorder. The good news is that you are in control of your body: you can control most disorders through dietary as well as lifestyle changes. There are disorders that run in families, such as asthma, depression, learning disabilities, arthritis, obesity, drug abuse, dementia, epilepsy, heart disease, hypertension, and substance abuse.
Certain conditions such as diabetes, hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia have been associated with mental illnesses as well. So, the good news is that whatever your family background may be, it is possible to keep your mental health in check.
Depression is a common symptom of a mental illness.
Feelings of sadness, worthlessness, fatigue, and lack of enthusiasm are common symptoms for depression. Feelings of helplessness, sadness, hopelessness, anger, and loss of interest in things that you once loved are also symptoms. If left untreated, depression can progress into physical illness, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Anxiety is another common symptom of mental illness.
People with anxiety experience excessive apprehension, fear, tension, and worry in various situations. They may also suffer from unrealistic worries about money, health, work performance, or social support. People with social anxiety often feel isolated and do not receive the support they need from others to meet their work productively.
Inability to concentrate
Another very common symptom of mental illness is the inability to concentrate and focus. Many people with mental illnesses experience symptoms of difficulty staying on task and concentrating for any length of time.
They may also be easily distracted. When you are having a mental health problem, it is imperative to get plenty of rest, relaxation, mild exercise, good food, lots of sleep, regular sleep patterns, and regular social support. It is also important to eat healthy nutritious foods as well as small portions of meals. This will help reduce your stress level and promote good mental health.
How to maintain mental health?
A balanced diet consisting of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, moderate fat, and drinking plenty of water is a good way to enhance your physical well-being. This will increase your energy levels and improve your concentration. A healthy well-being promotes a higher self-image and greater confidence.
It is important to participate in activities and social events in a positive manner to maintain mental health and well-being. Many people in the United States are suffering from mental disorders and low self-esteem, and the number of such people is rising.
One of the major causes of this increasing number of individuals who are having mental disorders and low self-esteem is because of the biological factors that can cause a person to develop these conditions. If you have a genetic predisposition for developing mental disorders and low self-esteem, then you are more likely to do so than others.
However, even those individuals who do not suffer from any other type of physical health problems are at risk of developing these conditions if they are not treated adequately for their biological factors.